March 24

War of 1812

W-William Henry Harrison was a U.S. military leader in the war

A-August 24,1814 British attacked Washington D.C. They burnt down many buildings including the White House.

R– Robert Jenkinson lead the United Kingdom.

O-On June 18,1812 the United States declared war on Great Britain. The first thing they did was attack the British colony on Canada

F-Finally Great Britain supported Native of American tribes in effort to prevent the United States expanding west.

1-1813 things began to turn around for the United States with a victory in the battle of lake Erie on September 19, 1813.

8-18th of June declared war on Great Britain

1-19th of September things began to turn around for the United States had a victory in the battle of Lake Erie.

2– 24th of December the treaty of  ghent was passed. The United States an Grate Britain signed and on Febuary 18th, 1815 the senate of the United States Ratified The Treaty.